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Southeast Arizona Adventure Part 8 - Madera Canyon

© 2024 Alamo Birding Services LLC

Mary Beth Stowe • Oct 09, 2023

 [Ed. Note: the “days” in the titles refer to actual birding days; the literal “Day 8 and 9” were spent at Canelo Ranch resting up and doing errands…]

The plan was to get to Proctor pre-dawn to try for Western Screech Owl; got Poorwill instead, but the stars were incredible! Once sunrise happened we went back down to Florida Wash to start the BBS Protocol (and since the road is so short we shot for .3 mile stops); Botteri’s and Rufous-winged Sparrows were dominant, and picked up both Gambel’s and Scaled Quail along the route (the former tended to be at the bottom). Bell’s Vireos were all over, of course…

Florida Wash at dawn and Botteri’s Sparrow with a nose full of food.


Back at Proctor we took the paved nature trail, and had a very cooperative Varied Bunting sitting right up on an ocotillo! I pointed it out to this gal (who looked like one of my birding buddies back in the Valley named Susan), and she was thrilled! In general, though, it was very quiet; had a pair of Hooded Orioles at the creek overlook, but not much along the trail. “Susan” bounced by while I was resting and said she had just seen a Zone-tailed Hawk, so I jumped up and got to a spot where I could see the ridge, and sure enough, there he was, flying right over! Comedy relief was provided by an ant trying to drag off a caterpillar over twice his size, and what I thought might be a cool local snail turned out to be an invasive Decollate Snail. Ran into a guy who I think was guiding the gal he was with, and I asked him if he knew what these pretty purple and white flowers were; he didn’t, but used iNaturalist to find out - Velvet Pod Mimosa! Later they (the guide and his client, not the Mimosas) almost spooked a Marine Blue I was shooting while they made their way to another overlook. 

Proctor Trail

Velvet Pod Mimosa (left) and Varied Bunting

Marine Blue (left) and ant dragging away a deceased caterpillar

Zone-tailed Hawks mimic Turkey Vultures by circling and swaying just like they do, fooling their prey until it’s time to pounce!

Stopped at the various picnic areas on the way up with not much to show for it except Mexican Jays, but spent a goodly amount of time at the feeders when we got there; there was a lot of activity (Broadbills, an Anna’s, Acorn Woodpeckers making like hummers 😊, and tons of goldfinches and House Finches), but the Beryline hadn’t been seen in several days, and we didn’t see it either…☹. At another picnic area a lady pointed out a cooperative Hepatic Tanager which I was able to film, and up at the tippy top, I couldn’t believe it: I stepped out of the car and a pair of trogons were song-battling! Spent a lot of time just sitting at benches and strolling around the circle; a Two-tailed Swallowtail had fallen in love with the Do Not Enter sign, but after making some video grabs I think maybe he actually saw his reflection and was challenging this intruder! This British guy and his wife were sitting on the “curb” waiting for stuff to come by; after a while we got to chatting, and he was wondering what happened to all the Cassin’s Sparrows! That was a good question, as I usually get them down below, but not this time! He also reported that he had Black-capped Gnatcatchers down there at the wash, so I made a mental note to check that out the next morning! 

Hepatic Tanager (left) and Rivoli's Hummingbird

Young male Broad-billed Hummingbirds

A Mexican Jay (left) performs acrobatics at a feeder while a female Acorn Woodpecker gives the Evil Eye!

White-breasted Nuthatch (left) and Lesser Goldfinches with a House Finch (right)

Mt. Baldy Trailhead

A Two-tailed Swallowtail (state butter of Arizona) discovers his reflection in the Do Not Enter sign!

Since I really had all day to spend in the area, I took my time working my way back down, but ended up going back up as I realized that that might be my only chance at Red-faced Warbler (as that’s where I got my life bird in the 70s, but I realized later that, back then, I probably did hike up the trail as I had the energy to do so in my late teens). I hiked a little of the upper Nature Trail, but didn’t find anything, so I decided to go back to the lodge and chill until I could check in, where the British guy was there along with some Indian photographers asking advice. When I saw one of them leafing through a book written by the British guy, it clicked – it was Richard Crossley! About that time fellow guide Lori Foss (whom I knew through her help with our own Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival) showed up with some friends, and this one local lady was quite friendly; I think she was also helping with the Southeast Arizona Birding Festival. A big tom Turkey was at the feeders, and the proprietor told me that if I came back around dusk, I’d have a chance at seeing a Ringtail! Tempting, but I’d planned to be in bed long before that…

One last stroll around the Mt. Wrightson parking area before heading to the lodge...

We’re greeted by a big tom Turkey!

Female Western Fence Lizard (until told otherwise)

By Mary Beth Stowe 21 Apr, 2024
Today was slated as just a “relaxed and easy” birding day, but at the last minute decided to do a Big Day, with the itinerary based on places where potential year birds were reported on eBird. Said itinerary included Estero Llano Grande State Park an hour before dawn (which I always do in order to bag the night birds), the Progresso Silos for a crack at the Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Frontera Audubon Thicket for migrants, Delta Lake for Hudsonian Godwits and other shorebirds, Fireman’s Park in McAllen for the lingering Greater White-fronted Goose, Quinta Mazatlan for migrants (the reported Flame-colored Tanager was probably long gone), Old Hidalgo Pumphouse for a reported Groove-billed Ani (and I always get the Monk Parakeets there, whether they’re reported or not), and Santa Ana NWR. It would turn out to be mostly overcast all day, which made for a pleasant day out even though it got up to 91 later in the afternoon. Started the morning with the neighborhood Purple Martins (1) gurgling as I packed the car before heading to Estero. Once at Estero the Pauraques (2) were pretty easy to pick up, and a Chuck-will’s-widow (3) sang from the park host area. Checked the restroom lights in the Tropical Zone for moths, then settled in at the “Picnic Table Feeders” near Pauraque Hall to wait in the dawn. Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (4) flew overhead in the dark, and Black-necked Stilts (5) called from somewhere where there was water! Early-morning songsters included White-winged (6), White-tipped (7), and Mourning Doves (8), a Mockingbird (9), and Cardinals (10), and as it got lighter Chachalacas (11), Golden-fronted Woodpeckers (12), a Clay-colored Thrush (13), Brown-crested Flycatcher (14), Couch’s Kingbirds (15), Kiskadees (16), Green Jays (17), Black-crested Titmice (18), a Long-billed Thrasher (19), Carolina Wrens (20), and Olive Sparrows (21) joined the chorus. A couple of Hooded Orioles (22) “wheeped” on the way out, and a five-minute vigil at the Green Jay Drip didn’t yield the Crimson-collared Grosbeak, but a Yellow-billed Cuckoo (23) sang, which was good for the year!
By Mary Beth Stowe 26 Dec, 2023
Headed on to Big Bend the next morning, stopping at Persimmon Gap to use the restroom (I think Black-throated Sparrow and Verdin were the only birds there), and on the way to Panther Junction a family of Phainopeplas flew across the road! (At least that’s what I thought they were at the time; later I realized they could have been Pyrrhuloxias…) Stopped at Panther Junction to get my pass, and found out that, because I’m a senior, I could get an annual National Parks Pass for less than a single Big Bend Pass for the week! Got Cactus Wren and House Finch in the parking lot before heading to Dugout Wells.
By Mary Beth Stowe 27 Nov, 2023
Decided to get going around sunrise, and that was a good plan; it was quite birdy around the apartments in Alamo, adding Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Purple Martins, White-winged Doves, and a Tropical Kingbird to the list (as well as other things I probably wasn’t paying attention to). It was a beautiful, sunny day, but really didn’t start seeing many interesting birds until after Alice, where we turned west through Freer and towards the Chaparral WMA. Once on that corridor the Caracaras, Harris’ Hawks, and Chihuahuan Ravens started showing up, and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo flew across the road! But the best stop was at an overpass somewhere out in the boonies where both Cliff and Cave Swallows were nesting! People were so nice: both a state trooper and a local lady stopped to make sure I was okay, and seemed happy that I was filming the swallows!
By Mary Beth Stowe 06 Nov, 2023
I actually woke up a lot earlier than planned: it was at least a two hour drive to Bowie, but I didn’t want to be getting up at one-something to get there by sunrise, so I just set the alarm for eight hours after I actually got to bed. Still woke up at five till two, so took off, and got to the dirt portion of Apache Pass Road in good time (started the checklist at 6:20, about a half hour after sunrise). Saw some tiny Chihuahuan Ravens on the way, so I added them to the list (and heard one later to make it legit). The Gambel’s Quail I almost nailed in Bowie got put on as well, as I didn’t see or hear any more on the route, but heard plenty of Scaled Quail. Blue Grosbeaks won the numbers game, followed closely by Eastern Meadowlark and both Rufous-crowned and Black-throated Sparrows. The video prize went to a flycatching male Phainopepla right next to the road! A female Western Tanager showed up close to the trailhead.
By Mary Beth Stowe 30 Oct, 2023
Got to the base of Mt. Hopkins road a little before sunrise, so enjoyed the desert dawn chorus: lots of Rufous-winged and Black-throated Sparrows, and a very cooperative Cactus Wren took a peek for video (if it even came out in that low light condition)! Interestingly, I had to do two separate eBird checklists for the lower portion, because part of it is in Pima County and the other is in Santa Cruz, but they don’t tell you on the road when you change counties! So I just kept watching the BirdsEye tracker and started the second one when I was halfway between the two points…
By Mary Beth Stowe 24 Oct, 2023
Next day I made a last minute decision to go to the Patagonia Rest Stop first because I figured the Rose-throated Becard would be vocalizing first thing, and therefore easier to bag. Didn’t take long to get there, so I parked by the cliff until sunrise (in case the Five-striped Sparrow decided to show again), and had the usual suspects, along with a beeping Canyon Wren. Then I parked at the north end and just gave it some time; as I wandered across the street I noticed that the trail down into the woodland was overgrown, so maybe people just aren’t using that any more (fine by me, as I always felt creepy down there). Abert’s Towhees were singing away as were chats and Yellow Warblers, but after a while I heard the characteristic wheezy song of the becard, and there they were, right across the street! They kept flying over my head, and one finally perched right overhead; tried to get video, but I think it’ll be good only for the audio (which thankfully came out great). Patagonia State Park was next; the guy at the entrance booth wasn’t there when I wheeled in, so made plans to pay on my way out. The place is always good for odes, but this time almost everything I could zoom in on was a Blue Dasher, except for a couple of Blue-eyed/Arroyo Darners that wouldn’t land (naturally). A quick stop at this big parking area added a very confiding Swainson’s Hawk on a pole, and a Bewick’s Wren that had me fooled into thinking it was a Western Tanager! The cabins were new since I was there last, and that loop landed right at the trailhead. They also had a new feeding area that was set up like a grandstand, but nothing was filled. It gave you a great view of the lake, though!
By Mary Beth Stowe 16 Oct, 2023
Decided to stick with the plan and start pre-dawn at the top rather than try for screech owls again at Proctor, and I’m glad I did: the lightning show in the distance was spectacular (and you had a great view from the upper parking lot), and after a while a Mexican Whippoorwill started “whipping” and then launched into his song, followed by another distant one! No owls, but eventually other diurnal birdies woke up, like Black-headed Grosbeak, Mexican Jays, and even the trogon! (A gal pulled in wondering if I was Bill (??) and said she was meeting some hikers, and wanted to see the trogon as she’d heard them a gazillion times…)
By Mary Beth Stowe 25 Sep, 2023
Was seriously thinking about skipping Mount Lemmon and just doing Saguaro, and maybe scouting Madera before heading to Canelo Ranch for the weekend break. As it turns out, I shoulda stuck with that plan, but after reviewing BirdsEye, there were more potential targets along the Mt. Lemmon route than the Saguaro route, so we did that. This was the first time I actually got to do it “BBS style”, and I have to say that the scenery was gorgeous, but the birds were quiet: saw the dawn in at the first pullout, with mainly Black-throated Sparrows. Picked up a nice Blue Grosbeak at Molina Canyon along with a singing Bell’s Vireo, and at the Prison Camp a Raven was making funny noises, and an Arizona Woodpecker came bounding in! The highlight at one of the vistas was a singing Rock Wren that was actually visible, and at another stop a Black-throated Gray Warbler came in for good looks! Windy Point didn’t have any swifts like last time, but it was fun in that there were several rappelers there having a big time!
By Mary Beth Stowe 18 Sep, 2023
Got to Carr Canyon well before dawn (even though I didn’t mean to 😊), so set up the chair and enjoyed the dawn chorus, including a Poorwill! A Hepatic Tanager was fairly close, and the two cliff wrens sang up on the mountain! Started the BBS Protocol at sunrise and got the normal players heading up (Bridled Titmice and Mexican Jays in the foothills, juncos and pewees higher up), but the road was bad enough that I decided never to go up again, especially since I didn’t get the Buff-breasted Flycatcher! ☹ (But with the passage of time already I’m starting to reconsider that… 😊) The Virginia’s Warbler halfway up was a nice consolation prize, and once up at The Reef, heard some accipiter squealing right over my head and was hoping I had the reported Goshawk, but after analyzing the video and getting better looks at all three birds (and also comparing the squeals of the two species) they all proved to be juvie Coopers (although someone did report Goshawks up there the same day I did…) It was actually pretty dead up there; stopped at all the places I historically got the buffie with no response, and a walk around the cul-de-sac only yielded a gorgeous Mountain Spiny Lizard! The one cooperative bird was a Hairy Woodpecker on said pines. My dilemma was now: where to find the buffies? Sawmill Canyon was way too rough when I did it years ago, and even though they’re reported at other high-elevation spots, Carr is the only place I’ve gotten them period, much less consistently, but unless they’re a sure thing, it’s not worth worrying about whether you’re gonna blow a tire on one of those rocks on the way up! (Later a friend was telling me about these tires made of Kevlar – maybe I should invest in some!)
By Mary Beth Stowe 11 Sep, 2023
Headed out to the “Research Station Road” pre-dawn as planned, but the trailhead parking spot I was going to use backfired only in that you could hear Cave Creek “roaring” behind you (at least enough to drown out any night birds), so decided to try Sunny Flats instead. A lot more people had settled in since the day before, and after I thought I had found a spot that was somewhat isolated, I didn’t count on the campsite “kind of” next to me (they were several yards back from the road) having two guys who were also early risers walking their dogs and chatting while they were at it! So we decided to use the end of South Fork Road (since Jon told me that I should get Whiskered Screech Owl almost anywhere), and thankfully no one was camped out there themselves! It was a lovely experience, with the owls tooting almost immediately! No other night birds, and just had the regulars tuning up (oh, some Mexican Jays came in and fed on something in the parking lot; was almost too dark for video). No return appearance of the trogon, and I can’t recall anything stupendous on the way to Paradise Road (except another Sulphurbelly near the VC), but said road was gorgeous! A cute little Black-throated Sparrow sang, but the highlight here was a nice male Black-tailed Gnatcatcher! As we climbed, who should we run into again but Jon’s bunch! They had stopped for a Scott’s Oriole (that I thankfully saw fly in), so since they all piled out, I parked well behind them and moseyed over. Turns out the reason he stopped here was because Black-chinned Sparrows had been reported, so he was trying for that (never came in, though… ☹)! I chatted with one of the ladies who was here for the first time and was thrilled with all her lifers, while both Canyon and Rock Wrens sang from on high. Jon also confirmed this was the spot where the summering Green-tailed Towhee was hanging out, and unlike the sparrows, he did cooperate – everyone was able to get great views (and I got video to prove it 😊)!
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